By Prabal Subedi
The soundless winter
pitch dark night
yellow stars
so beautiful
like glitters of gold
in the vast
abyss vessel.
The patience wind
chills with time
to remind me
of times I need
of times I passed.
The darkness
seems so cozy
lives up
to the hope
that sun will rise
tomorrow with a new
shine for life.
The darkness
waits for
a new morning
of the golden rays
of the golden sun,
the blue sky
and white clouds.
It waits
patiently for the sun
for its enemy
it has to go
once it comes
it has to vanish
it has to vanquish
and no one
will remember it
for they need Sun
but will in
no circumstances realize
that the Sun prevails after
the night has gone.
The night yet
covers me
while I sleep
provides me with
the silence
that I feel
in my dreams,
the calmness
that I so need.
I thank you
oh “Night”
for you have
always taught me patience
for you have
made sure
that once I get up
I see the Sun
I see brightness
I see tomorrow.
Oh Night,
I wait for thee
I praise thee
I love thee!
Prabal subedi is pursuing his undergraduate degree in Jacobs University Bremen,Germany. He has taken a wonderful initiative to write this nice poem. He can be reached at